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A nice stroll around the park, your hair is swaying along the breeze, and your dog is remarkably calm — it's gonna be another perfect day, you thought.
But, your fur-baby suddenly breaks from walking and starts sniffing around. You know what's about to happen any minute from now. And, there he goes. He smiled at you as he left a chunk of poo for you to pick up. Never disappoint!
Well, that's the life of a fur parent. Though picking up poops is likely the least favourite activity of every dog owner, it's part of the job. It's best to be ready whenever it happens!
With handy dog poop bags, you can make this nasty job a little easier. You can place it inside your poop bag holder, so when the moment comes, you can easily unravel your holy poop bag and grab your pup's mountain of surprise like a pro.
But what are dog poop bag holders? It's pretty understandable, yet, you still might have a few questions about it. So, let's discover your thoughts and answer them today.