10 Dog-Friendly Beaches in Sydney

Alice Nguyen | 21 February, 2023

            corgi enjoying their time at a dog friendly beach

Days become longer, the weather becomes balmy, and the vibes feel festive and magical. Alas, the most eagerly awaited season has arrived!

For most of us, summer calls for beach time. The constant running on the sand while the heat sizzles on our skin and the perfect tan we get after a long, satisfying dip in the salty ocean— feels just right. 

But, you immediately halt the exciting thought as you slowly turn to your side and see the curious look on your doggo’s face. Oh, no! You almost forgot to include your best bud in the fun. That’s when reality hits hard— Are they even allowed on the beach?

Fret not! Sydney houses incredible beaches, and some allow our lovely furry pets to play around the sandy expanse. To make it easier for you, we have rounded up 10 bestdog-friendly beaches in Sydney. Be ready to get sandy and salty!

1. Sirius Cove Reserve

A hidden gem!

We found a little hideaway for you and your pup. Sirius Cove is a famous protected beach in Mosman, ideal for enjoying a chill, peaceful time in the sand. It has enough space for your dogs to run to while you set up snacks in their large picnic zone. 

Not keen on getting too much sun exposure? This place also has a lot of shaded, grassed areas where you can relax after swimming and kayaking.

Sirius Cove has off-leash access all weekdays, before 9 AM and after 4 PM on weekends and public holidays. Parking can also be hard to come by on weekends, so watch out!


Image: GogetTimeout

2. Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve

“See the line where the sky meets the sea….” Oops, this isn’t Moana!

The meeting of the Curl Curl lagoon and the sea makes thisdog-friendly beach in Sydney so popular to fur moms and dads— of course, to our furry friends too. Its grand grassy dunes also make an excellent place for dogs to run around until they're spent. Lots of sand areas to roll over, as well!

Best of all, the reserve is off-leash at all times. What could be better than that? 

Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve

Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve

Image: Northern Beaches Council

3. Greenhills Beach

Are you a sucker for big beach energy? If so, this one’s for you!

Greenhills beach is the only beach in Sydney directly facing the ocean's vastness. It has a large space perfect for your dogs to play and socialise with other pups. Wild waves also make the place more exciting for hoomans who love extreme water adventures. 

Sadly, dogs are permitted to run off-leash before 10 AM and after 4 PM only daily. Other than that, they’re banned. Regardless, the beach is quite popular and gets crowded quickly, so plan!

Greenhills Beach Dog Friendly Beaches

Greenhills Beach - Dog friendly beaches in Sydney

Image: The Urban ListConcrete Playground

4. Horderns Beach

Let’s all go south together (not in a bad way!)

If you’ve got time for a long ferry trip to the south, visit one of the mostdog-friendly beaches in Sydney, Horderns Beach! It has a long stretch of sandy shore and calm blue waters, making it a prime summer getaway place for you and your doggo family. 

Horderns has off and on-leash dog-friendly sections at certain times. For peak season, it boasts an off-leash playtime before 8:30 AM and after 4:30 PM on weekdays. Keep in mind what other rules apply!

Hordern Beach - Dog Friendly Beach In Sydney

Horderns Beach - Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney NSW

Image: We Are ExplorersTiu Cottages

5. Silver Beach

Silver shimmers in the south!

With low tides, shallow waters, and soft sand, this is a pooch utopia. Silver beach has a dog-friendly section towards the west of Bonna Point Reserve. The long strip of sand makes it great for lazy strolls and playing fetch. This is also a popular kite surfing site in the summer. 

Dogs can play off-leash between the third and fourth groynes on the western side of the beach. They’re prohibited at all other sections, so check the signs!

Silver Beach - Dog Friendly Beach In Sydney

Silver Beach - Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Image: TravelnuitySutherland Shire Council

6. Rose Bay Beach

Enjoy the beach and a picturesque view of a Sydney wonder!

Hit up a great beach experience with your dog at Rose Bay, where you can also see a view of the Sydney Harbour and a line of good cafes nearby. The beach also has a wide off-leash zone, making it one of the most sought-afterdog-friendly beaches in Sydney for pups to stretch while still getting a good sniff of ocean air. 

The open bay also exhibits shallow, calm waters, suitable for a little splash and swim. The off-leash schedule is before 8:30 AM and after 4:30 PM. 

Rose Bay Beach - Dog Friendly Beach In Sydney

Rose Bay Beach - Dog Friendly Beach In Sydney
Image: PupsySydney Uncovered

7. Kutti Beach

Shhh, we are about to reveal a secret!

Kutti Beach is by far one of the most beautifuldog-friendly beaches in Sydney. It’s a relatively small beach between two bays, surrounded by bountiful palm trees and moored boats. 

The pristine stretch of sand and crystal clear waters is an absolute paradise for you and your pup. But you have to keep them on a leash at all times here!

Kutti Beach - Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Kutti Beach - Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Image: Dreaming of Down Under

8. Rowland Reserve

A dog’s heaven on earth!

Not much of a sandy place, but still worth it. With its 24/7 off-leash dog park and a vast green space for all the running and chasing, Browny will surely have fun. The small beach is quite promising, too. Your doggos can dip their tiny paws and cool off after playing nonstop. 

You can also visit the dog-friendly Newport pub just across it!

Rowland Reserve Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Rowland Reserve Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Image: Take Your PetNorthern Beaches Council

9. Clontarf Reserve

Spice up your beach trip!

You can experience almost everything whilst you settle in this popular reserve. Barbeque facilities, playground, picnic spots, and an incredible waterfront where you can let your pooch run while you relax in the dappled shade. 

You can also find the beach at the northern end of the reserve, where dogs are allowed for complete off-leash fun!

Clontard Reserve Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Clontarf Reserve Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Image: Northern Beaches CouncilConcrete Playground

10. Yarramundi Reserve

Last but not least!

Not your typical beach, Yarramundi reserve is located on the Grose River and has a 12-hectare off-leash area for your doggos. Don’t drop your jaws just yet. Your pooch can also play on the shallow river freely and on the large sand area just right off the northern side of the reserve. 

You’ll have more time to prepare delicious meals on the bankside beach while Browny is off to something fun!

Yarramundi Reserve - Dog Friendly Beach in Sydney

Yarramundi Reserve - Dog friendly beach in Sydney

Image: ParraParents

As the weather starts to heat up, everyone is itching to get in the water— dogs are no exception. Make sure that if you're going on long walks on heated concrete, that your dog has the right shoes for protection.

Asall fur parents know, finding nicedog-friendly beaches in Sydney can be tough. You know, one that the whole family can enjoy. 

You can check out the list above and find the beauty of Sydney’s finest. Make sure to follow the rules and regulations to know where and when you might need to put your fur babies on a dog leash

Enjoy the warm sun and the glorious expanse of sand!

Check out more dog-friendly locations below!

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